Enchanted Woodland Vibe for Angela & Lee at The Inn at Whitewell
This was an absolute joy, we loved this wedding and this gorgeous couple,
they'd created the most magical and wonderful atmosphere for their wedding
day o...
5 years ago
This all looks like fabulous fun, I wish I could come, Sally is with you all next week, please ensure she doesn't over indulge she has a great deal of work to do here and her recovery time seems to have become more drawn out the older she gets! Love the photos and your blog, Christy your doing a fine job!
I did that Mrs Thompson
x x
Jane Thompson you are outrageous! I attended the Christmas Lunch at Lytham Hall to-day and it was splendid. Unfortunately I had other commitments later the same day and so was unable to sample the wines. I will see you tomorrow bright eyed etc. Love Sally x
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